Boyle Heights

Boyle Heights
Boyle Heights—just east of the Los Angeles River, possesses what is undoubtedly the most impressive history of diversity in the city.
Boyle Heights was known in its early days as the “Ellis Island of the West” and welcomed first-generation Angelenos from around the world. Japanese, Mexican, Jewish, Armenian, African American, Russian, and Italian culture and commerce flourished among these streets, embodying the ethnically and culturally diverse Los Angeles identity we know today.
Angels Walk Boyle Heights takes you through historic districts and introduces you to many people that have called this vibrant community home. You’ll meet the early settlers of Peredón Blanco and the neighborhood’s namesake, Andrew Boyle. You’ll visit iconic sights such as Mariachi Plaza, Hollenbeck Park, the Breed Street Shul, and the century-old St. Louis Drug Company. Along the way, sample some of the most authentic Mexican food in the city and take-in the many murals created by some of the pioneers of the Chicano Arts Movement, and current artists alike. Also learn about Boyle Height’s activist roots including early Jewish labor unions, the Chicano Walkouts, and influential community leaders such as Dolores Huerte, Ceasar Chavez, and Edward E. Roybal.
Please Note: Printed guidebooks are no longer available for this walk. Please see PDF downloads below.
This walk was completed in 2019.
Distance & Average Completion Time ›
*Additional time may be required for optional “Side Strolls” and/or “Farther Afield” sites.
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*Sample of historic stanchion panel